- em 2016 perdemos o supremo e o estado de direito
- em 2017 perdemos nossos direitos sociais
- 24/jan/2018 perdemos a instituição que acreditavamos mais refratários á politicagem e corrupção
neste momento sabemos que a politica é viciada, cartas marcadas e que a
justiça somente a reforça, já que antes sabiamos que a justiça não era
para pobres pois tinhamos o recurso cidadão do voto
- agora o
que está em jogo é o basico da cidadania: o voto. Se em 2018 o voto
tambem for "reformado", abolido, as massas saberão de vez que acabou
democracia e que a elas resta somente as ruas, onde de fato a força
politica se faz agir!
Independente se lula concorre ou não, lula é um mito, ele já ganhou!
Neste blog exponho meus pensamento e as tendencias que observo, tanto a nível mundial, quanto em nível local. Vamos conversar intenciona chamar as pessoas ao dialogo interno para que deixem de ser pacientes e passem a ser agentes da sua história.
domingo, 28 de janeiro de 2018
quinta-feira, 25 de janeiro de 2018
Inquietude Geral: LAWFARE PARA A AMÉRICA LATINA: Doutrina de guerra ...
Inquietude Geral: LAWFARE PARA A AMÉRICA LATINA: Doutrina de guerra ...:
Com o provir da história inovam-se doutrinas intervencionistas neocoloniais, a que mais vem se difundindo pelo mundo há p...
Com o provir da história inovam-se doutrinas intervencionistas neocoloniais, a que mais vem se difundindo pelo mundo há p...
quinta-feira, 18 de janeiro de 2018
Para entender um pouco a contra-revolução na decada de 70
Excelente artigo (*) comparando o golpe de 64 e o atual (2016)! Abaixo um testemunho da época que co-valida a tese do autor:
"Naquela epoca viviamos o impasse de afrontar o regime ou sucumbir á tutela dos militares. O artigo, muito bem escrito e repleto de exemplos, atesta de vez a tese que na decada de 70, esse impasse foi superado apos o episodio rio-centro e a situação percebeu que o aprofundamente da tutela militar iria fortalecer cada vez mais o movimento oposicionista sob risco de perterem a precaria legitimidade e derrocada total dos valores democraticos que até então procurava-se imprimir na incipiente democracia brasileira.
Eu vivi este tempo, tempo da politização do povo, tempo das cartilhas do PT, das comunidades eclesiais de base, etc. A esquerda entendeu o momento e abdicou do movimento revolucionário armado para integrar o movimento de fortalecimento da democracia. Ou seja, lembro-me de quando lula gritou em alto e bom som: se assim eles querem, assim será! Será pelo voto que mostraremos o que o povo brasileiro é capaz de fazer!
E o jogo democrático foi lançado nos 80's seguido de um ar aliviado dos militares pois misturar força e legitimidade é como misturar agua e óleo. Pode até parecer que misturou mas a mistura insiste em querer separar as fases!"
(*) https://jornalggn.com.br/blog/fabio-de-oliveira-ribeiro/legitimidade-e-coacao-no-brasil-pos-64-por-fabio-de-oliveira-ribeiro#comment-1182647
"Naquela epoca viviamos o impasse de afrontar o regime ou sucumbir á tutela dos militares. O artigo, muito bem escrito e repleto de exemplos, atesta de vez a tese que na decada de 70, esse impasse foi superado apos o episodio rio-centro e a situação percebeu que o aprofundamente da tutela militar iria fortalecer cada vez mais o movimento oposicionista sob risco de perterem a precaria legitimidade e derrocada total dos valores democraticos que até então procurava-se imprimir na incipiente democracia brasileira.
Eu vivi este tempo, tempo da politização do povo, tempo das cartilhas do PT, das comunidades eclesiais de base, etc. A esquerda entendeu o momento e abdicou do movimento revolucionário armado para integrar o movimento de fortalecimento da democracia. Ou seja, lembro-me de quando lula gritou em alto e bom som: se assim eles querem, assim será! Será pelo voto que mostraremos o que o povo brasileiro é capaz de fazer!
E o jogo democrático foi lançado nos 80's seguido de um ar aliviado dos militares pois misturar força e legitimidade é como misturar agua e óleo. Pode até parecer que misturou mas a mistura insiste em querer separar as fases!"
(*) https://jornalggn.com.br/blog/fabio-de-oliveira-ribeiro/legitimidade-e-coacao-no-brasil-pos-64-por-fabio-de-oliveira-ribeiro#comment-1182647
terça-feira, 16 de janeiro de 2018
to understand Dilma's trial and the colour revolution in Brazil
A great analisys from F. William Engdahl
domingo, 14 de janeiro de 2018
Triplex, suposto fruto de proprina do caso Lula, é penhorado pela corte de Brasília.
Impressionante, amigos, tenho monitorado a imprenssa nacional para saber em que momento algum deles
vai ter coragem de encarar os fatos e NADA até o momento! Por que o evento é importante: Onde o judiciário é confrontado pelo PRÓPRIO JUDICIÁRIO em um caso gravissimo, onde o conceito de propriedade perde seu significado legal, onde nada menos que a democracia está em jogo na medida que o principal e ÚNICO candidato (LULA) é viável até o momento, uma noticia destas ser "ignorada" é no mínimo suspeito.
Para informações, abaixo o link do único jornal até o momento que publicou a notícia, um pequeno jornal de uma pequena cidade do Piaiu:
Para informações, abaixo o link do único jornal até o momento que publicou a notícia, um pequeno jornal de uma pequena cidade do Piaiu:
quinta-feira, 11 de janeiro de 2018
Sobre a acusação de condenação do Lula.
Acabo de ler a decisão judicial em relação ao famoso triplex. Minha conclusão é que a propriedade e ocultação foi tendenciosa, tanto pelo MP como Moro e a presunção de culpa prevaleceu, por "convição".
De fato Dna Marisa comprou e estava interessada no ap. Lula não estava interessado mas aparentemente a esposa deixou-o em duvida, então ela não assinou o compromisso de continuar com o ap ou receber o dinheiro de volta.
O Leo estava com tratativas de fazer um ap a altura daquilo que lula disse quando viu o ap (2014): pequeno, sem "mordomias". O Leo ficou de apresentar um proposta que nunca foi concluida, provavelmente todo o processo era oral e ficou na fé das partes. A duvida: por que oral? Simples, O Léo era o proprietario e estava negociando com algum nada menos que lula. Pode-se dizer, coisa de compadre. Quando em 2014/2015 a lavajato começou a investigar, Dna Marisa decidiu pela desistencia pois a estoria toda estava muito enrolada. Eu mesmo teria feito isso, se o empreendimento vai me dar dores de cabeça (como acabou dando mesmo não comprado) por que prosseguir com as negociações?
De fato é uma situação cinzenta onde Moro decide pela culpa baseado nas evidencias circustanciais de que poderia ser pagamento de propina e na "confirmação" do Leo que foi mesmo propina
Vamos analisar: sob o ponto de vista da acusação o crime PODERIA ter ocorrido, mas não existe a prova cabal. Fica a afirmação do Leo, mas: 1- É a palavra dele conta a de lula, pois ele como delator não apresentou provas. Sendo que ele queria se safar e a palavra senha para uma delação premiada era lula, fica bem factivel que ele possa ter mentido. 2- De fato ele estava usando dinheiro de propina, mas ELE, somente ele sabia dos meandros escusos da negociação. Exatamente por isso ele não tem provas pois em momento nenhum ele disse... Lula, pode ficar com o ap, vou fazer tudo que voce pedir e voce não vai pagar nada, vai sair tudo da conta "propina". 3- Se fosse de fato uma "operação oral" e lula soubesse de tudo, ainda fica a palavra de um contra outro. 4- Porem a palavra do delator não se sustenta por ausencia de provas, pelo interesse em se safar e não haver provas solidas que lula de fato estivesse ciente da "manobra".
5- Os fatos dizem que havia uma negociação entre partes, privada, sendo esta negociação iniciada nos tempos de presidencia e arrastada por anos, já no mandato de Dilma. Ninguem leva quase 10 anos se envolvendo um uma maracutaia sem deixar provas concretas que era uma negociação e que ELE levaria uma "bolada".
6- E a cereja do bolo, havendo tantas duvidas, lacunas, o beneficio da dúvida é do réu, presunção de inocencia. No caso, existe propina envolvida mas a aparencia é de que apenas uma das partes era "ciente" da maracutaia e a outra parte, mesmo que soubesse, de fato não concretizou o crime, ou seja, não recebeu o ap que dizem ser dele.
segunda-feira, 8 de janeiro de 2018
to understand "Lula's triplex" case.
It is necessary to repeat: with no evidence, Moro condemned Lula on the basis of informing
- January 6, 2018
Everyone knows why TRF-4 has accelerated its schedule and marked for next 24th trial the appeal of former president Lula against the conviction of Judge Sérgio Moro. The coalition of the coup, could not produced by a conservative candidate capable of defeating Lula, needs unfeasible from presidential dispute. His return represents not only the complete failure of the coup but an interruption of his anti-people and anti-national neoliberal program. It also seems clear that one can not expect a fair and impartial trial of the three men in a court whose president has already considered Moro's sentence "a priori" as irreproachable, and in which the proselytizing chief against the former president in social network . But in order to broaden a popular understanding of an orchestrated persecution against Lula, what is the law of his lawyers, it is not enough to proclaim that he was condemned without evidence, for a non-existent crime: a possession of an apartment that does not have, neither in fact nor in paper. It must be remembered that Moro, having no evidence, condemned it based solely on the word of an informer. In a detraction that has been torn from forceps, in a prolonged moral and psychological torture against the former president of the OAS, Leo Pinheiro.
A flurry of accusations against Lula has been shot against a population in recent years through a flood of news on television and in all media. As charges are cast in series, so that he would be perceived as the great wrongdoer, although there is no public government. Now, favoring port companies, after escaping two denunciations by buying votes. In this turmoil, many no longer know what a sentence is about to discuss on the 24th, and even so, declare a preference for Lula in the polls. Lava Jato capriciously sought out Leo Pinheiro's demarcation, in the wake of already forgotten facts that he did not leave to the objective: without evidence, as well as a demarcation to the cause of a condemnation of Lula and consequently his ineligibility.
Recall a sequence that led Léo Pinheiro, until the friend of the former president, one become a traitor.
-It was first published in November 2014 but in April 2015 the STF ordered that it be put under house arrest. Sentenced to 16 years in prison by Moro, he began to negotiate an award agreement with a reduction in his sentence.
-In June of 2016 Pinheiro gave testimony to Moro and to prosecutors of Lava Jato, in which he anticipated the general lines of the denunciation that would make, revealing payments of the contractor to many politicians. But as there would be no reference to Lula, in the proposed agreement to be refused. In August as negotiations on delation with closed. Lula's defense demanded clarification on news that they were being questioned because of an informer and was not willing to incriminate him.
-Two weeks later, Leo Pinheiro was again arrested, according to Moro in the name of the guarantee of public order, convenience of criminal investigation and security of the application of criminal law. "It began to pressure what you are looking for Lula and opts as owner of the apartment of Guarujá.
-In November, his pen was increased in 10 years, rising to 26 years.
-Finally in April 2017 Leo Pinheiro surrenders to Moro and attends Lava Jato. He states that when the OAS acquired the venture, he learned that the triplet was reserved for the former president and only dealt with Joao Vacari, never with Lula. That at OAS, this is how it was treated. That they were made as reforms and depleted of the tip that the PT had received from the OAS.
A defense of Lula presented the document by which an OAS already gave the apartment as a guarantee to a banking institution. This was living proof that the OAS was still owned by the property but was not taken into account. Even saying that the apartment was Lula, Pinheiro says no, see an issue of the document that gave it as a guarantee.
Based solely on Pinheiro's denunciation, ignoring other statements by OAS officials and like 87 defense witnesses presented by Lula, Moro condemned him for passive corruption and money laundering to 9.5 years in prison. He added the value of the apartment with the rules to indicate the value of the supposed tip.
Leo Pinheiro made yet another accusation to Lula: that, having asked if he had made payments to the PT, and in the affirmative answer, he ordered that he destroy the evidence and records that he had.
His testimony is not yet over when real-time news portals have started publishing snippets of his dement, especially what and related to the apartment. Only fireworks were missing.
Now it is only the confirmation of the sentence, based solely on a demarcation, by the TRF-4, so that the game shall be concluded and Lula shall be out of the electoral dispute. The fragility of Moro's sentence, based solely on the dementation of a man desperate to reduce a sentence of 26 years in prison, must be remembered and denounced to the four corners of the world, expanding the insurgency against injustice and persecution, as lawyers do , intellectuals, politicians and artists who signed the manifesto "Election without Lula is fraud" (*).
The use of the prized delation, as a single proof to condemn, is criticized by renowned jurists but I will only pick up the quotation from the proceduralist Geraldo Prado:
"There is nothing in the prized delation that can, even timidly, associate it with the accusatory model of criminal procedure. On the contrary, the less remote antecedents of this institute can be searched in the Manual of Inquisitors. Throwing the weight of the fact-finding on the shoulders of suspects and arbitrarily canceling the condition that all people have, without exception, being holders of fundamental rights, is to tread the way back to the Inquisition. In neo-feudal times, this is not surprising. "
Not surprising, but it must outrage those who do not cope with tyranny, even toga.
translated from original in portuguese:
(*) https://www.change.org/p/sociedade-brasileira-em-defesa-do-direito-de-lula-ser-candidato-a-presidente-do-brasil
- January 6, 2018
Everyone knows why TRF-4 has accelerated its schedule and marked for next 24th trial the appeal of former president Lula against the conviction of Judge Sérgio Moro. The coalition of the coup, could not produced by a conservative candidate capable of defeating Lula, needs unfeasible from presidential dispute. His return represents not only the complete failure of the coup but an interruption of his anti-people and anti-national neoliberal program. It also seems clear that one can not expect a fair and impartial trial of the three men in a court whose president has already considered Moro's sentence "a priori" as irreproachable, and in which the proselytizing chief against the former president in social network . But in order to broaden a popular understanding of an orchestrated persecution against Lula, what is the law of his lawyers, it is not enough to proclaim that he was condemned without evidence, for a non-existent crime: a possession of an apartment that does not have, neither in fact nor in paper. It must be remembered that Moro, having no evidence, condemned it based solely on the word of an informer. In a detraction that has been torn from forceps, in a prolonged moral and psychological torture against the former president of the OAS, Leo Pinheiro.
A flurry of accusations against Lula has been shot against a population in recent years through a flood of news on television and in all media. As charges are cast in series, so that he would be perceived as the great wrongdoer, although there is no public government. Now, favoring port companies, after escaping two denunciations by buying votes. In this turmoil, many no longer know what a sentence is about to discuss on the 24th, and even so, declare a preference for Lula in the polls. Lava Jato capriciously sought out Leo Pinheiro's demarcation, in the wake of already forgotten facts that he did not leave to the objective: without evidence, as well as a demarcation to the cause of a condemnation of Lula and consequently his ineligibility.
Recall a sequence that led Léo Pinheiro, until the friend of the former president, one become a traitor.
-It was first published in November 2014 but in April 2015 the STF ordered that it be put under house arrest. Sentenced to 16 years in prison by Moro, he began to negotiate an award agreement with a reduction in his sentence.
-In June of 2016 Pinheiro gave testimony to Moro and to prosecutors of Lava Jato, in which he anticipated the general lines of the denunciation that would make, revealing payments of the contractor to many politicians. But as there would be no reference to Lula, in the proposed agreement to be refused. In August as negotiations on delation with closed. Lula's defense demanded clarification on news that they were being questioned because of an informer and was not willing to incriminate him.
-Two weeks later, Leo Pinheiro was again arrested, according to Moro in the name of the guarantee of public order, convenience of criminal investigation and security of the application of criminal law. "It began to pressure what you are looking for Lula and opts as owner of the apartment of Guarujá.
-In November, his pen was increased in 10 years, rising to 26 years.
-Finally in April 2017 Leo Pinheiro surrenders to Moro and attends Lava Jato. He states that when the OAS acquired the venture, he learned that the triplet was reserved for the former president and only dealt with Joao Vacari, never with Lula. That at OAS, this is how it was treated. That they were made as reforms and depleted of the tip that the PT had received from the OAS.
A defense of Lula presented the document by which an OAS already gave the apartment as a guarantee to a banking institution. This was living proof that the OAS was still owned by the property but was not taken into account. Even saying that the apartment was Lula, Pinheiro says no, see an issue of the document that gave it as a guarantee.
Based solely on Pinheiro's denunciation, ignoring other statements by OAS officials and like 87 defense witnesses presented by Lula, Moro condemned him for passive corruption and money laundering to 9.5 years in prison. He added the value of the apartment with the rules to indicate the value of the supposed tip.
Leo Pinheiro made yet another accusation to Lula: that, having asked if he had made payments to the PT, and in the affirmative answer, he ordered that he destroy the evidence and records that he had.
His testimony is not yet over when real-time news portals have started publishing snippets of his dement, especially what and related to the apartment. Only fireworks were missing.
Now it is only the confirmation of the sentence, based solely on a demarcation, by the TRF-4, so that the game shall be concluded and Lula shall be out of the electoral dispute. The fragility of Moro's sentence, based solely on the dementation of a man desperate to reduce a sentence of 26 years in prison, must be remembered and denounced to the four corners of the world, expanding the insurgency against injustice and persecution, as lawyers do , intellectuals, politicians and artists who signed the manifesto "Election without Lula is fraud" (*).
The use of the prized delation, as a single proof to condemn, is criticized by renowned jurists but I will only pick up the quotation from the proceduralist Geraldo Prado:
"There is nothing in the prized delation that can, even timidly, associate it with the accusatory model of criminal procedure. On the contrary, the less remote antecedents of this institute can be searched in the Manual of Inquisitors. Throwing the weight of the fact-finding on the shoulders of suspects and arbitrarily canceling the condition that all people have, without exception, being holders of fundamental rights, is to tread the way back to the Inquisition. In neo-feudal times, this is not surprising. "
Not surprising, but it must outrage those who do not cope with tyranny, even toga.
translated from original in portuguese:
(*) https://www.change.org/p/sociedade-brasileira-em-defesa-do-direito-de-lula-ser-candidato-a-presidente-do-brasil
Happy 2018 Brazil, Brazil needs to shake, article from Professor Fornaziere
It is a great yell for brazilian freedom and I could not avoid to translate it. It remembers "Sacco & Vanzetty" in the early XX's (*) and It could be extrapolated to worldwide.
(*) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sacco_and_Vanzetti
Lula's trial: Brazil needs to shake
by Aldo Fornazieri
In an interview in Estadão (02/01/18, Brazialian news)), former president Fernando Henrique Cardoso said that an eventual condemnation of Lula would be bad for the country, for memory. He added: "But I do not believe that the population will tremble at the grassroots because of this. I do not think the country will shake because of that." FHC has expressed an inherent wisdom to the Brazilian elites of all times: do whatever they want with institutions, with democracy, with the republic; give as many blows as they can, assault as many times as the public coffers want, they, the elites, always count on the passivity of the people. They count on the naturalization of this ideologically constructed passivity, which, in fact, was recurrent in the decisive moments of our history.
For the time has come to make Brazil tremble, to make the people tremble, to say no to the arrogance and unbridled will of the elites. It is not a question of making any revolution, but of restoring and defending democracy, vilified by these same elites. In Brazil, unlike the United States, France, and so many other countries, we have had no democratic political revolution and no social revolution capable of establishing the rights, the solid rules of democratic play, equality before the law, a reduced sense of inequality, justice and social balance and the dignity of citizens. This wicked state of things will continue for centuries to come if the people do not rise up and subordinate predatory elites to their sovereignty.
In Brazil, popular will has never been sovereign. It has always been usurped by the elites, accustomed to looting the public treasury, privatizing it, and keeping the people in poverty. Not surprisingly, there are over 50 million poor and over 114 million remediated, totaling 80% of the population. According to IBGE (statistic institution) , half of the Brazilian population has income less than a minimum wage. On the other hand, only six people concentrate half the country's wealth. Is this acceptable? Is this the country we want in the 21st century? Is not this the cause of righteous indignation and revolts that need to be translated into action? Is this not a manifestation of the impiety and cruelty of the rich and powerful?
Any genuine liberal of previous centuries, ever since John Locke, would justify rebellion against this unacceptable state of affairs. If you want to be liberal you are, but do not be a coup, corrupt, predatory, tax evading and evading rights and democracy. If one wants to be leftwing, one is, but one is not left of cabinet, of the bureaucratic apparatuses, of bourgeois people who are part of the system of domination that is there. The "lefties" can not be the leftwing flank of neoliberalism, the icing on the cake of the big global capitalists, taken by false environmental and social consciousness, as they continue to produce the destruction of the planet and the poverty and misery of people.
FHC also says that if the trial ends in condemnation, you must have to accept it. Well, you do not have to accept it. It's more than Lula's person. It is more than the leader Lula. At this trial, there is no evidence and there is no evidence because there is no crime. The trial is purely political, it is a judgment to decapitate the hopes of the people, it is a judgment to condemn the people themselves, it is a judgment to imprison democracy. The condemnation can not be accepted and Brazil needs to tremble. If Lula is condemned, that committees for the defense of democracy be formed throughout the country and that no illegitimate elections will be accepted.
Judgment is a game of marked cards. There is no impartiality and no exemption. There is no justice. The president of TRF-4 (Brazilian court) and some of his advisers have already expressed their condemnatory pre-trial. Moro could not have judged Lula because the "triplex" case has nothing to do with Petrobras as the judge himself acknowledges. Therefore, Moro is not the natural judge to judge the case. There is an illegality of origin in this whole process. It is a political conspiracy to take the blow to the last consequences, in order to keep exploitation unmanned, the misery of the people, the naturalization of passivity and the delivery of public wealth to private interests and foreigners.
If political and social leaders and progressive and democratic activists do not proclaim and do not call the popular uprising, the generations of people who live today, who call themselves progressives and left-wingers, will deserve to be inscribed on their tombstones: "Here lies a Coward". We will be covered with shame and shame until the end of our lives, for we capitulate without fighting. We will not deserve good memories of future generations, and we will deserve to be condemned to an eternal oblivion. What is at stake, first and foremost, is a matter of personal dignity and the dignity of the people.
The right to disobedience and revenge
You have to tell the people that they have the right not to accept a judgment that is a scam because those which they judge are not just judges, but scammers, representatives of predatory elites quartered in the courts. It must be said that the FTS itself has no morals because it tore the Constitution to protect Aécio Neves and other criminals. We must tell the people that it has the right and the duty not to open the doors of mercy and forgiveness to those who always make it suffer, to those who take their bread, milk, medicine, housing, education , salary and culture. For these predators there can be no day of pardon, but day of revenge. The people must be told that he has the right to just revenge, for vengeance can be the instrument of justice when one lives under the aegis of injustice. The opposite of justice is not revenge, as mi mi, but mi injustice believes. The people have the right to hate. To hate those who have relegated him to an unworthy life, full of misery, suffering, pain, lack of assistance and opportunities, while these exploiters feast on the sweat, blood and afflictions of the workers and the poor. Those who live languishing and suffering can not love those who take their food and their rights to rejoice in wealth and luxury. Those who mourn their dead, victims of violence, who are thousands, those who suffer the sufferings of their uncared for patients, who are millions, can not love politicians who deny them security and care, for they are criminals who must be punished. Brazil is the country that kills the most in the world, more than the countries at war. Misery, abandonment, lack of care, lack of rights, exclusion and a violent, predatory and unjust state are death factor. Universities, NGOs, trade unions, churches and part of the left can not continue to be instruments of diffusion of the ideology of the naturalization of passivity. While the poor continue to be punished by an iniquitous judiciary, they preach impunity for thugs and white-collar criminals. They preach a false concord, a harmony that never existed, a puerile love, to the liking of the dominant ideology. These elites are dominating, in politics, in the Judiciary, in the high civil service, in the courts, in the banks, in the industry. there are exceptions and all these places), are at the service of an ideology that wants to perpetuate and naturalize the tragedy and poverty in Brazil. They have vicious hearts, overcome by selfishness and greed. Like this government, this Judiciary and this Congress, are shameless. Members of the coup congregation announce their crimes and their violations in official communiqués, without flushing and without anyone bothering them significantly. They do not fear punishment, because before a corrupted system, only the people could punish them. As long as the people can not impose fear on them, they will continue in their unbridled pride and on the path of unpunished crimes. Therefore, authentic leaders must call upon the people to act, to manifest their wrath in deeds and shouting; The people, in their silence, are angry but hopeless. The wrath of the people is holy and therefore must be transformed into power and power, for only it can plant the trees that will produce the fruits of justice, equality, dignity and freedom. We can not accept eternal submission and passivity, which have been ideologically constructed and naturalized as instruments of domination by perverted elites. To make Brazil tremble and not accept the condemnation of Lula, it is not only for Lula, it is for the people, it is for Brazil. The reapers of hope must be afraid that the day will come when they will pay for their crimes in the hands of an angry people.
Aldo Fornazieri - Professor of the School of Sociology and Politics (FESPSP).
original in portuguese:
(*) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sacco_and_Vanzetti
Lula's trial: Brazil needs to shake
by Aldo Fornazieri
In an interview in Estadão (02/01/18, Brazialian news)), former president Fernando Henrique Cardoso said that an eventual condemnation of Lula would be bad for the country, for memory. He added: "But I do not believe that the population will tremble at the grassroots because of this. I do not think the country will shake because of that." FHC has expressed an inherent wisdom to the Brazilian elites of all times: do whatever they want with institutions, with democracy, with the republic; give as many blows as they can, assault as many times as the public coffers want, they, the elites, always count on the passivity of the people. They count on the naturalization of this ideologically constructed passivity, which, in fact, was recurrent in the decisive moments of our history.
For the time has come to make Brazil tremble, to make the people tremble, to say no to the arrogance and unbridled will of the elites. It is not a question of making any revolution, but of restoring and defending democracy, vilified by these same elites. In Brazil, unlike the United States, France, and so many other countries, we have had no democratic political revolution and no social revolution capable of establishing the rights, the solid rules of democratic play, equality before the law, a reduced sense of inequality, justice and social balance and the dignity of citizens. This wicked state of things will continue for centuries to come if the people do not rise up and subordinate predatory elites to their sovereignty.
In Brazil, popular will has never been sovereign. It has always been usurped by the elites, accustomed to looting the public treasury, privatizing it, and keeping the people in poverty. Not surprisingly, there are over 50 million poor and over 114 million remediated, totaling 80% of the population. According to IBGE (statistic institution) , half of the Brazilian population has income less than a minimum wage. On the other hand, only six people concentrate half the country's wealth. Is this acceptable? Is this the country we want in the 21st century? Is not this the cause of righteous indignation and revolts that need to be translated into action? Is this not a manifestation of the impiety and cruelty of the rich and powerful?
Any genuine liberal of previous centuries, ever since John Locke, would justify rebellion against this unacceptable state of affairs. If you want to be liberal you are, but do not be a coup, corrupt, predatory, tax evading and evading rights and democracy. If one wants to be leftwing, one is, but one is not left of cabinet, of the bureaucratic apparatuses, of bourgeois people who are part of the system of domination that is there. The "lefties" can not be the leftwing flank of neoliberalism, the icing on the cake of the big global capitalists, taken by false environmental and social consciousness, as they continue to produce the destruction of the planet and the poverty and misery of people.
FHC also says that if the trial ends in condemnation, you must have to accept it. Well, you do not have to accept it. It's more than Lula's person. It is more than the leader Lula. At this trial, there is no evidence and there is no evidence because there is no crime. The trial is purely political, it is a judgment to decapitate the hopes of the people, it is a judgment to condemn the people themselves, it is a judgment to imprison democracy. The condemnation can not be accepted and Brazil needs to tremble. If Lula is condemned, that committees for the defense of democracy be formed throughout the country and that no illegitimate elections will be accepted.
Judgment is a game of marked cards. There is no impartiality and no exemption. There is no justice. The president of TRF-4 (Brazilian court) and some of his advisers have already expressed their condemnatory pre-trial. Moro could not have judged Lula because the "triplex" case has nothing to do with Petrobras as the judge himself acknowledges. Therefore, Moro is not the natural judge to judge the case. There is an illegality of origin in this whole process. It is a political conspiracy to take the blow to the last consequences, in order to keep exploitation unmanned, the misery of the people, the naturalization of passivity and the delivery of public wealth to private interests and foreigners.
If political and social leaders and progressive and democratic activists do not proclaim and do not call the popular uprising, the generations of people who live today, who call themselves progressives and left-wingers, will deserve to be inscribed on their tombstones: "Here lies a Coward". We will be covered with shame and shame until the end of our lives, for we capitulate without fighting. We will not deserve good memories of future generations, and we will deserve to be condemned to an eternal oblivion. What is at stake, first and foremost, is a matter of personal dignity and the dignity of the people.
The right to disobedience and revenge
You have to tell the people that they have the right not to accept a judgment that is a scam because those which they judge are not just judges, but scammers, representatives of predatory elites quartered in the courts. It must be said that the FTS itself has no morals because it tore the Constitution to protect Aécio Neves and other criminals. We must tell the people that it has the right and the duty not to open the doors of mercy and forgiveness to those who always make it suffer, to those who take their bread, milk, medicine, housing, education , salary and culture. For these predators there can be no day of pardon, but day of revenge. The people must be told that he has the right to just revenge, for vengeance can be the instrument of justice when one lives under the aegis of injustice. The opposite of justice is not revenge, as mi mi, but mi injustice believes. The people have the right to hate. To hate those who have relegated him to an unworthy life, full of misery, suffering, pain, lack of assistance and opportunities, while these exploiters feast on the sweat, blood and afflictions of the workers and the poor. Those who live languishing and suffering can not love those who take their food and their rights to rejoice in wealth and luxury. Those who mourn their dead, victims of violence, who are thousands, those who suffer the sufferings of their uncared for patients, who are millions, can not love politicians who deny them security and care, for they are criminals who must be punished. Brazil is the country that kills the most in the world, more than the countries at war. Misery, abandonment, lack of care, lack of rights, exclusion and a violent, predatory and unjust state are death factor. Universities, NGOs, trade unions, churches and part of the left can not continue to be instruments of diffusion of the ideology of the naturalization of passivity. While the poor continue to be punished by an iniquitous judiciary, they preach impunity for thugs and white-collar criminals. They preach a false concord, a harmony that never existed, a puerile love, to the liking of the dominant ideology. These elites are dominating, in politics, in the Judiciary, in the high civil service, in the courts, in the banks, in the industry. there are exceptions and all these places), are at the service of an ideology that wants to perpetuate and naturalize the tragedy and poverty in Brazil. They have vicious hearts, overcome by selfishness and greed. Like this government, this Judiciary and this Congress, are shameless. Members of the coup congregation announce their crimes and their violations in official communiqués, without flushing and without anyone bothering them significantly. They do not fear punishment, because before a corrupted system, only the people could punish them. As long as the people can not impose fear on them, they will continue in their unbridled pride and on the path of unpunished crimes. Therefore, authentic leaders must call upon the people to act, to manifest their wrath in deeds and shouting; The people, in their silence, are angry but hopeless. The wrath of the people is holy and therefore must be transformed into power and power, for only it can plant the trees that will produce the fruits of justice, equality, dignity and freedom. We can not accept eternal submission and passivity, which have been ideologically constructed and naturalized as instruments of domination by perverted elites. To make Brazil tremble and not accept the condemnation of Lula, it is not only for Lula, it is for the people, it is for Brazil. The reapers of hope must be afraid that the day will come when they will pay for their crimes in the hands of an angry people.
Aldo Fornazieri - Professor of the School of Sociology and Politics (FESPSP).
original in portuguese:
Feliz 2018
Retornando em 2018, um grito de liberdade do Professor Fornaziere que representa bem o pensamento de um povo desesperançoso:
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